English summary

In the year 1976 six model railroading enthusiasts met together and founded the hobby club ‚MECTUB‘ in a narrow cellar in the city of Berlin. Eight years later we moved to the current room which was expanded in 1999.

In June 2014, we had a big water damage which caused massive destruction. After air drying, we could start with the reconstruction in October.

Hauptbahnhof 2005 - damals waren die Bahnsteige noch nicht bevölkert

Main station 2005 – still without passengers

The layout is a fictional location which lies in the German midland. The double main track can be seen nearly all the times, interrupted only by a short tunnel. At the central station a small line is going uphill via stations Gerhardshofen and Schönblick – see layout – back to main line in the west. Fiddle yards – 2 x 4 tracks and a loop for eight trains – are situated under the main line. A tramway line is connecting the central station with the city center and the harbour.
We are using almost German rolling stock and from other European railway companies in scale 1:87. The trains are running analog on two-rail DC, main line switches and signals are working in MM digital with occupancy detectors and s88 feedback modules based on PC software GBSWIN.

If you have some more questions or are interested in more information, don’t hesitate to get in contact by email to mectub@gmx.de.